Captain: Denis Healey (UK)
Captain of the Dignity, Denis has been involved with boats for 45 years beginning with small fishing boats in Portsmouth. He learned to sail while at school and has been part of the sea ever since. He’s a certified yacht master and has also worked on heavy marine equipment from yachts to large dredgers. This is his third trip to Gaza.
First Mate: Derek Graham (Ireland/Palestine)
Derek has been a qualified electrician for 20 years. He was a member of the reserve defense forces in Ireland for 21 years and was the first member of the reserves to make the Army sailing team. He has been sailing all of his life and is currently the first mate on board the Dignity. Derek first traveled to Gaza in August, and serves on the Interim Committee / Board of Directors for the Free Gaza Movement.
Delegation Leader: Lubna Masarwa (Palestine 48 / Israel)
Lubna is a Palestinian 48 living in Israel. She is a political dynamic activist in Jerusalem working for the Alternative Information Center and Al Quds University. She chooses struggle as her way against the occupation. She believes that activists should take the authority to change the reality and not wait for someone else to do it. It’s important for her as a Palestinian from 1948 to break the siege and keep the relationship with her people. She has also built links with the Palestinian community in Cyprus where she is regulalry active as an educator and advisor at Masjid Mosque. This will be her second trip to Gaza on the Dignity.
Othman Abufalah (Jordan)
Othman is a reporter with Al-Jazeera Television. I’m a Palestinian refugee born in exile. I know what it means to not be in your homeland, and since I have been working for Al Jazeera, I feel very close to the Palestinian issue. Hopefully in my visit to Gaza, I can show, in part, the suffering of the Palestinian people and move the conscience of the international community.
Naser Attaallah (Palestine)
Naser is returning to Gaza to rejoin his family. He has been unable to visit his family since Israel intensified the siege in 2006.
Mike Cushman (UK)
Mike Cushman is a research fellow in Information Systems and Information and Communication Manager at the London School of Economics. His research has covered a number of areas including: Digital and Social Exclusion; Digital and Media Literacy; Older People in a Digital Society; Knowledge Sharing and Organisational Learning in the Construction Industry; Approaches to Strategic Development under Conditions of Uncertainty. He has recently been appointed as a Visiting Fellow at University of Bristol Department of Management and is a member of the editorial advisory board of Information Technology and People.
Mike is a member of BRICUP and of Jews for Justice for Palestinians and has played an active role in campaigning for Palestinian Human Rights.
Ewa Jasiewicz (UK/Poland)
Ewa is an experienced journalist, community and union organizer, and solidarity worker. Her articles have appeared in The Independent, The
Guardian, Le Monde Diplomatique, Red Pepper, Left Turn, and Z Net, among others. She worked with the ISM in Palestine, and with Voices in the
Wilderness in Iraq. She believes that direct, partcipatory democracy and grassroots solidarity activism can bring about justice in our world.
Bella Lock (Australia/Palestine)
Bella was on the original Free Gaza trip. After having finally got the Arabic alphabet figured out, she is returning for several months volunteering. Originally fitting music teaching around environmental and human rights campaigning, much time spent in Palestine led her to learn basic medic skills, and next year she will take up a midwifery degree in the UK.
Dr. Sonia Robbins (UK)
Sonia Robbins is a British reconstructive and hand surgeon who regularly volunteers in Gaza, and has had patients waiting to see her for several weeks.
Prof. Jonathan Rosenhead (UK)
Jonathan Rosenhead has been on the staff of the London School of Economics for 40 years, and became Professor of Operational Research in 1987. Prior to becoming an academic he worked in the steel industry and as a management consultant. He is the author of over 90 professional publications. His fields of research interest, in addition to problem structuring methods, include health services planning, community operational research, and OR in less developed countries. He has been President of the Operational Research Society, and holds its President’s, Goodeve and Beale Medals. His jointly edited book Rational Analysis or a Problematic World Revisited (Wiley 2001) is a much cited classic. Prof. Rosenhead has a long political involvement including as Labour Party candidate for Parliament, and as Chair of the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science. Currently he is Secretary of BRICUP (British Committee for the Universities of Palestine) which promotes a boycott of Israeli universities.
Firas Tawfeeq (Iraq)
Firas is a cameraman with Al-Jazeera Television.<p></p>