Join a delegation to Israel/Gaza, June 5-14
The people of Gaza, especially the children, are suffering both physically and psychologically from the devastation of the 22-day Israeli invasion and the continuing siege. The world cannot stand by while 1.5 million people are deprived of basic needs and humanitarian aid is stopped at the border. For the first time ever, Americans are partnering with Jewish and Arab Israelis to demand that the Israeli government end the siege. Join CODEPINK: Women for Peace and the Coalition of Women for Peace (Israel) as we organize a rally, conference and encampment at the Erez border. The week of June 5 marks the 42nd anniversary of the 1967 war, when Israel first occupied the West Bank and Gaza. Is there a more suitable time to say "Enough!"?
After the rally, we will attempt to enter Gaza, at the invitation of the United Nations (UNRWA). If granted entry, we will visit schools, hospitals and areas most affected by the Israeli invasion and work with Gazans to build an International Friendship Playground.
If the Israeli government won't let us enter Gaza, we will join local Jewish and Arab activists at workshops on ways to break the siege, held in our encampment on the border. We will also visit the Knesset and other government offices in Jerusalem, tour East Jerusalem and the West Bank, meet with local peace groups, and participate in ongoing protests against the apartheid wall.
See the itinerary below. For more information and to sign up, email gaza.codepink (at), call 415-558-5700 or go to
Itinerary (subject to change)
June 5: Meet in Tel Aviv; orientation meeting in the evening
June 6: Travel to and rally at the Erez crossing; set up camp
June 7: Enter Gaza or -- if not allowed to enter -- kick off a "border" conference with Israeli activistson "The Role of the International Community in Lifting the Siege of Gaza"
June 8-9: Participate in teach-ins on Israeli politics, Palestinian rights and the peace movement
June 10: Meet with Israeli officials, protest in front of Israeli Knesset
June 11: Meet with Palestinian and Israeli human rights and peace organizations such as the Palestine Center for Rapprochement, B'tselem, Alternative Information Center and Gush Shalom.
June 12: Join Friday demonstrations against the wall (Bil'in, N'ilin and Jayous), meet with Refuseniks
June 13: Tour Jerusalem; visit villages and refugee camps in the West Bank; learn about settlement expansion plans, bypass roads and house demolitions
June 14: International delegates return home