Put forth by MSP Hugh O’Donnell, who was with us on the Dignity’s 3rd voyage to Gaza, November 7, 2008
S3M-3175 Hugh O'Donnell: Treat the Dignity with Humanitarian Dignity-That the Parliament recognises the determination of the Free Gaza Movement to continue its humanitarian mission to deliver medical aid to the people of Gaza in spite of the fact that in the early hours of Tuesday, 30 December 2008, the Israeli navy attacked the motor vessel, Dignity, which was loaded with medical supplies and carried, among other civilians, doctors headed to Gaza to assist with the humanitarian crisis there, in an apparent attempt to disable the vessel and in a manner that jeopardized the lives of the 16 civilians on board; believes that neither the boat nor its passengers, doctors, journalists, members of parliament and human rights observers trying to reach the people of Gaza to deliver much needed aid to the Palestinians there constituted any kind of danger to the Israeli naval forces; further believes that any future deliveries of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza by the Dignity, duly notified in advance to the Israeli navy, Ministry of Defence, and Foreign Ministry should not be impeded in any way by the Israeli defence forces, and considers that any such attack on the vessel will be premeditated and any harm inflicted on the civilians on board will be the result of a deliberate attack on unarmed civilians.