We have spent $654K thus far on boat trips and related expenses. Although generous donations of $436K have been received from supporters around the world to help in paying for this project, we still need $218K to repay those from whom we borrowed to make these trips possible. In addition to all of this we still need to raise more funds for future trips. Your support made the dream of breaking the seige come true not once but several times, and your generosity will make the trips continue until the seige is history.
لقد</strong> تم صرف التبرعات التي جمعت حتى الآن على شراء القوارب والمصاريف الإدارية وغيرها، مما يضع المشروع في مرحلة حرجة</span></p>
نحن</strong> بحاجة ملحة وعاجلة لتبرعاتكم لإكمال المسيرة التي بدأناها لكسر الحصار الظالم على غزة</span></p>
....فلنكمل المسيرة سويا |