Coming soon: - The Palestine Telegraph/PT is a professionally driven online newspaper envisioned by a few thoughtful Palestinian youths in Gaza. They were inspired to do something to change their world and shared their dream with Photojournalist Sameh A. Habeeb, a life-long resident of Gaza and Founder and Editor in Chief of The Palestine Telegraph/The PT.
The Palestine Telegraph - "We Will Change Your world"
About us
The Palestine Telegraph/PT is a professionally driven online newspaper envisioned by a few thoughtful Palestinian youths in Gaza. They were inspired to do something to change their world and shared their dream with Photojournalist Sameh A. Habeeb, a life-long resident of Gaza and Founder and Editor in Chief of The Palestine Telegraph/The PT.
The PT is committed to disseminating the voices of the People of Palestine, the Middle East and other indigenous people around the world who are ignored by corporate controlled media. Our online only publication is staffed by internationally recognized experts in news analysis and reporters who know no borders.
We guarantee to host photos and videos that corporate controlled media will not.
The PT will showcase a variety of Palestine-specific topics in News, Entertainment, Business, Health, Science, Sports and even Quirks in the News.
The Palestine Telegraph's goal is to change the world by bringing the voices and images of the world to the global community.
The PT is staffed by volunteers who are professionals in their fields.
The staff of PT are committed to being a media that is a sanctuary for dissent, by disseminating the voices of the marginalized and oppressed.
-The PT will provide translators and assist with hotel and transportation arrangements for journalists and internationals who desire to visit Gaza .
-The PT will work with other newspapers, websites and organizations by providing videos, photos, and feature photo-stories.
-The PT will arrange for special media interviews with officials from all parties.
Note: the service would be a self-funding issue only.
As a volunteer international and independent endeavor we receive no government funding. The PT is a non-profit project that depends on donations from people of good will committed to freedom of speech for all people.
We welcome all to take a part in our changing world!
PT has more than 25 worldwide reporters and eager for more. If you see yourself up to PT mission
contact sameh on:
Contribution Guidelines for
The Palestine Telegraph
The Palestine Telegraph/PT is the first Electronic Newspaper based in the Gaza Strip, Palestine staffed by Palestinians and international volunteers; members of the New Fourth Estate: citizen journalists who do not take assignments from editors or paychecks from corporate controlled media.
The Palestine Telegraph will showcase a diverse community of Arab and international writers.
The Palestine Telegraph is dedicated to upholding and expressing the right of freedom of conscience, speech and dissent and encourages creative writing to attract a worldwide readership.
Policy's of The Palestine Telegraph
1- All are free to contribute and publication will be based on professional criteria, not ideological or personal backgrounds.
2- The contributor's article will only be edited for grammar, punctuation and spelling if necessary.
Financial compensation:
The Palestine Telegraph is an all volunteer effort and is unable to offer compensation to writers or correspondents. The author of the article maintains the copyright.
_ The Palestine Telegraph editing team seeks the following types of articles:
1- Articles that tackle daring ideas and are controversial or unconventional; as long as they are supported by factual and logical evidence and do not violate general Arab cultural norms or common decency.
2- Articles that present unprecedented ideas.
3- Articles on current events and an analytical perspective that transcends the obvious and rises above superficial reasoning.
4- Dramatic or satirical articles with an interesting and entertaining style.
5- Articles that recount personal experiences; such as diaries, eye witness accounts written with style and in a compelling manner.
The Palestine Telegraph welcomes articles on politics, economy, sports, society, arts, history, religion, health, culture, women, science, satire and humor.
Communicating with the website team:
1- All articles and recommendations for The Palestine Telegraph should be sent to the Associate Editor at ******* or ******* with "Editorial Submission in the subject line.
2- All submissions should include a brief, one-sentence biographical description of the author.
3. The Palestine Telegraph recommends writers send their photos attached to their first copy for publication with the articles. Photos will be archived for future articles by the same writer.
_ The Palestine Telegraph recommends writers check the 'Views' section on the website to determine if their articles were published. The editing team strives to acknowledge each submission with a response, but can not always offer feedback on why a submission was rejected.
Commenting on articles
The Palestine Telegraph imposes minimum censorship on the comments on articles, which means that writers could be subjected to harsh criticism that might be neither objective nor considerate to the writer's feelings. The website will not delete comments based on writers' requests.
Comments are only deleted if they violate the website's policy. Communication about
comments can be sent directly to the editor-in-chief at *******
The Palestine Telegraph Will Change Our World and we welcome you to be a part of the change!