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FreeGaza Movement

Human rights group that sailed 5 times into port of Gaza.

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Rock The Boat Accepted At Social Change Film Festival

For Immediate Release

Los Angeles, September 3, 2020: Kathy Elliott Sheetz Greaves and Courtney Sheetz’s joyous film, Rock the Boat, (Anatomy of a non-violent action) has been accepted at the International Social Change Film Festival as part of their festival lineup. Here is their announcement:

“On behalf of Social Change and the International Social Change Film Festival Film Selection Committee, I wanted to personally thank you for submitting your work for consideration. Your film was selected to be showcased at our 9th Annual International Social Change Film Festival in Chicago, IL.”

The film documents a non-violent voyage across the Mediterranean in August 2008 and is as relevant now as it was then. 44 activists from 17 countries, sailed in two small wooden fishing boats and succeeded against all odds.

It’s filled with the stories of ordinary people who came together to highlight an unjust situation. This kind of non-violent action can be replicated for many initiatives, not just for the action taken by these intrepid sailors.

Watch the Rock the Boat trailer, then watch for the time and date of the film.

Get on the boat’…join the freedom riders,

For more information on the festival, click on these links