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FreeGaza Movement

Human rights group that sailed 5 times into port of Gaza.

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				Justin, YAACOV Fauci, Illegal Settler in Occupied Palestine


Contact: Joe Catron: 718-395-3419 Lamis Deek: 212-226-3999

July 27, 2021: 602 Bellmore Road, East Meadow, Long Island, New York: Human rights advocates protest Zionist extremist Fauci in Long Island, demand closure of New York groups promoting colonization, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in Palestine

Al-Awda New York: The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition, the National Lawyers Guild, and human rights advocates are demonstrating in East Meadow, Long Island to demand the closure of illegal settler groups aiding and abetting New York-based Zionists to invade and colonize Palestinian homes and lands.

Oganizers will hold an action outside the Long Island home of American-born settler, Justin “Yaakov” Fauci, while wearing t-shirts bearing the notorious statement Fauci made as he casually invaded the Al-Kurd home in Sheikh Jarrah, reading,

“If I don’t steal it someone else is gonna steal it.”

“The U.N. Human Rights Commission Rapporteur recently decried settlements as war crimes, and New York private and government actors are actively abetting war crimes, violence and genocide in Palestine with wholesale impunity. This must end if Palestine and the region can ever see peace,” said attorney. Audrey Bomse, a member of Al-Awda New York and the National Lawyers Guild.

“It’s a violation of U.S. federal law for Americans to engage in war crimes and genocide, it is shocking that there is impunity for such open acts of violence, and it is outrageous that New York State actively shelters, promotes and celebrates such violence, which is itself also a crime,” added attorney, Lamis Deek.

All four settler organizations have a 501C3 status in the US in spite of their funding and encouraging settler violence and confiscation of Palestinian lands. That tax exempt status should be removed.

Michelle Munjanattu, a member of Al-Awda New York noted that “Hempstead County officials are promoting Zionist extremism and punishing speech critical of Israeli violence by imposing the grossly unconstitutional IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.” Under Councilmen Esposito and Blakeman, Hempstead was twinned with an Israeli settler colony built on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank and dedicated a plaza to settler spokesman David Friedman, who calls for the colonization of all of Palestine.

“These councilmen are celebrating anti-Palestinian violence and sending a message to Palestinians that they are not safe in New York or in Palestine. Our government should work to protect all our communities and not exhorting them to export violence, to break US laws, and legislating anti-Palestinian racism. This has to end, and the Hempstead IHRA Executive Order issued must be struck down,” said Suzanne Adely, president-elect of the National Lawyers Guild.

“It’s appalling that government officials like DeBlasio are denouncing an ice cream company for partially withdrawing from Israeli-invaded lands while sheltering war criminal organizations right here in New York,” added Daniel Teehan, a member of Al-Awda New York.

Deek closed the action by saying, “This will be the first of many actions to demand the closure and prosecution of Israeli apartheid and war crime perpetrators. New Yorkers want our taxes to be used to support our communities here instead of being used to destroy communities and commit high crimes in Palestine.”
